It is not an easy thing to be a good citizen. To be a good citizen is as difficult as to be a good student. As a student will find it very difficult to overcome his laziness in order to be one of the best students in his class, so a citizen will find it extremely hard to be good unless he conquers his selfishness.
It is because a good citizen is required to know that the centre of his interest is no longer his own person or his own family but that he is a member of a community which is far greater than his own family. In this way a good citizen has to seek not only his own good or to work for the good of his father or his brother, his mother or his wife, his son or his daughter, but has to seek his own good in the good of all. He is to live not only for himself hut also f others. His life is not to be a life of self-interest, hut a life of sympathy and unselfishness.
A good citizen always cares more for his duties than for his rights, moreover for his obligations than for his privileges. Of course, every citizen enjoys some privileges. His life and property are looked after by the State: he has a right to rise the public highways, parks, dispensaries, and all other things which are provided by the State. But a good citizen has not his eye always on such advantages: he cares more for his duties. He does not care so much for what the State does for him, as for what he can do for the State.
A good citizen is always loyal. He is loyal to the Constitution, because it stands for all that is best in the laws of his country. A good citizen is more devoted to his country. He thinks that as his parents gave him a natural life, so he owes his civic life to his country. He, therefore, calls his country his motherland, and is ready to lay down even his life for his sake.
A good citizen always respects the laws of his country. He obeys all the laws of the land He goes even further, he does not keep the law himself, his is the enemy of all those who break the law. He has no sympathy for thieves, criminals, hoarders, smugglers and blackmarketeers. He will assist the police against all those who are dishonest and a source of danger to the public. He is, therefore, always ready to put down crime and help the guardians of law in arresting criminals.
A good citizen always takes an interest in the welfare of his country. lit’ has a vote, and he uses ii not to further his own interests or those of the party he belongs to, but to help his country as a whole. He is always ready to help forward good causes. He is most active when illiteracy is to be removed. or when the sanitation of the town is to be improved, or when a dishonest person is to be punished. If a school is to be opened, a dispute is to be settled, a disease is to be checked, a road is to be built, or arty other work of public utility is to be taken up, he is most energetic and helpful.
In this way a good citizen believes in cooperation with other citizens for the common good. He feels that the members of community are like the different limbs of a body. The head thinks for the hand, the hand works for the belly and the belly supplies nourishment to all. Similarly, all the members of a community work for the common good.
It is because a good citizen is required to know that the centre of his interest is no longer his own person or his own family but that he is a member of a community which is far greater than his own family. In this way a good citizen has to seek not only his own good or to work for the good of his father or his brother, his mother or his wife, his son or his daughter, but has to seek his own good in the good of all. He is to live not only for himself hut also f others. His life is not to be a life of self-interest, hut a life of sympathy and unselfishness.
A good citizen always cares more for his duties than for his rights, moreover for his obligations than for his privileges. Of course, every citizen enjoys some privileges. His life and property are looked after by the State: he has a right to rise the public highways, parks, dispensaries, and all other things which are provided by the State. But a good citizen has not his eye always on such advantages: he cares more for his duties. He does not care so much for what the State does for him, as for what he can do for the State.
A good citizen is always loyal. He is loyal to the Constitution, because it stands for all that is best in the laws of his country. A good citizen is more devoted to his country. He thinks that as his parents gave him a natural life, so he owes his civic life to his country. He, therefore, calls his country his motherland, and is ready to lay down even his life for his sake.
A good citizen always respects the laws of his country. He obeys all the laws of the land He goes even further, he does not keep the law himself, his is the enemy of all those who break the law. He has no sympathy for thieves, criminals, hoarders, smugglers and blackmarketeers. He will assist the police against all those who are dishonest and a source of danger to the public. He is, therefore, always ready to put down crime and help the guardians of law in arresting criminals.
A good citizen always takes an interest in the welfare of his country. lit’ has a vote, and he uses ii not to further his own interests or those of the party he belongs to, but to help his country as a whole. He is always ready to help forward good causes. He is most active when illiteracy is to be removed. or when the sanitation of the town is to be improved, or when a dishonest person is to be punished. If a school is to be opened, a dispute is to be settled, a disease is to be checked, a road is to be built, or arty other work of public utility is to be taken up, he is most energetic and helpful.
In this way a good citizen believes in cooperation with other citizens for the common good. He feels that the members of community are like the different limbs of a body. The head thinks for the hand, the hand works for the belly and the belly supplies nourishment to all. Similarly, all the members of a community work for the common good.