Saturday 23 December 2017

Cap-Seller and The Monkeys

          One day a cap-seller was returning home from the market. He sold out almost all his stock, but only ten caps were left. Being tired and hungry, he placed a rug on the ground and sat in the shade of a tree for rest. The day was hot, and there was a gentle breeze. This made him drowsy, and very soon he fell fast asleep with his basket of red caps by his side.
          When he woke up, he was surprised to find that all his caps were gone. Suddenly he heard a sound and looked up. He saw a number of monkeys swinging on the branches, each one with a red cap on his head.
          The cap-seller was now in a fix. To get back his caps, he made various gestures to the monkeys. He even threw stones at them, but to no effect. Then a bright idea dawned on him. In pretended anger he pulled out his own cap and threw it away from him.
          At once the monkeys imitated the cap-seller and threw away all the caps they had stolen. He picked up the caps and went away.
Moral: ‘Necessity is the mother of invention,’