Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Abolition of English from Primary Education

Points: Recent controversy — Importance utility of English remains — Practical considerations should prevail over theories.

            For many years English is being taught in India. But recently there was a government circular that English was to be abolished from the Primary stage in West Bengal. Naturally there was a long controversy over the issue.
            Why such a circular was necessary just now is not clear. English was retained because it certainly had its utility. Its utility still remains.That is why outside Primary schools many Spoken English Schools and institutions have sprung up. When English will cease to have any utility, it will automatically wither away. But just now we see that demand for English has increased rather than decreased. So the thought of abolition of English from any stage should be suspended now. The option should be there. If anybody chooses to learn English be should be allowed even at the primary stage. Theoretical debates should not override practical considerations.
            Something may sound excellent in theory but may not be so in practice. All theories about child education are such things. Monolingualism may be ideal. But in a country like India bilingualism, even multilingualism, cannot be helped. Moreover, the importance or utility of English is so great in the world today that its abolition directly or indirectly will be unfortunate.