Sunday 8 April 2018

The Story of Blue Jackal

          Once upon a time a jackal fell into a washer man’s tub, containing indigo water. So he got dyed in blue and became proud of his complexion.

          In the morning the jackal entered into the forest. At the sight of a strange animal all the beasts of the forest, began to flee away in fear. He hit upon a plan to cheat them. He called them in a meeting and shouted at the top of his voice, “Listen to me, O ye, denizens of the forest I Clod has sent me to rule over thee. Let me, therefore, proclaim myself your king”.

          All animals, even lions, elephants and tigers paid homage to their new king. The blue jackal distributed the offices of the state among different animals. But he treated his own folk with contempt. So the jackals made a plot to ruin him.

          One evening the new king sat in council. All of a sudden all the jackals yelled together. The blue jackal joined in the cry. His game was thus found out and he was killed.

Moral: Too much cunning over-reaches itself.