Points: Secret of man’s power over
Nature and animals — Knowing the laws of Nature has made man so powerful — Knowledge
in war and in peace.
Man is the most powerful of alt
animals. But physically the lion or the tiger, or even a buffalo is stronger
than man. Yet man has kept all animals under subjugation. He has made the whale of Nature his
storehouse. He commands far greater knowledge of Nature than a wild animal
Man’s pursuit of knowledge has
made him a scientist. Science is nothing but organized knowledge of Nature.
Science is the source of man’s power. This means knowledge is the source of
man’s power. That is to say: knowledge is power. A bird can fly. Man could not
fly. But now man can fly much higher than a bird. Man’s rocket sails across the
outer space. He even landed on the moon. He could do this because he knew well
the laws of motion and gravitation.
In times of war, espionage becomes
a very important factor. If the position of the enemy is known beforehand it
becomes easier to win. The satellites are sending us photos. With their help we
flow know better the conditions of cloud and storm. This knowledge gives us the
power to forecast weather. Knowledge, in brief, is power.