Sunday, 27 December 2015


             One of the primary duties of the society or of the central or state governments is to provide opportunities of employment for everybody, especially for the young men and women. But, in our country there are more people than the number of available jobs and that is why thousands of young people, after finishing their studies remain unemployed. Everybody considers unemployment a curse. And this curse is so harmful that it becomes a disease, weakening the minds and bodies of the younger generation.
             It is also necessary for the students to change the basic attitudes towards occupation. It is a common feeling of the people that they should go only for jobs in state or central government or government owned companies, in banks or very big establishments. They do not want to take a certain amount of risk and start their own business. Never do they look for avenues in the agricultural field and in other areas where they can do things on their own. Here the question of self help, Imagination, daring and dauntless diligence comes in.
             Instead of blaming the government for everything, our people should change this attitude and look opportunities themselves. The government also should in the meantime recover from the hangover of their time-old policy of mixed economy and adopt a new fiscal policy of setting up big mother units and small ancillary units and boost up cottage industries to open up new employments.