Wednesday, 18 September 2013


Points: Various kinds of processions — Road-jamming and other features of  processions — Group psychology operating in processions.

             There is hardly any week when there is no procession on the road. Processions are of various kinds, There are marriage processions. religious processions, political processions and processions by trade union people. Processions arc a feature of the city-life. Some of the processions are highly colorful, some are more musical. Flags and festoons are parts of most of the processions, specially the processions of the May Day, Sports Day, Health Day etc. 

             When a procession passes along a road, the vehicular traffic comes to a standstill . Slogans are repeated and if it is a protest march, angry fists are displayed by the marchers. Maharam processions are marked by the loud utterances of ‘Hai Hasan, Hai Hosain’ by the devotees. The Durga Puja immersion processions turn the whole city into a sea of human beings and lorries. Processions on the national days such as the independence Day (15th August) and the Republic Day (26th January) are marked by the display of National Flags and singing of national songs. While processions of mourning are solemn and silent, processions of victory are full of joyous outbursts and songs.
             Men forming a procession lose their individual identities. The procession itself assumes a character of its own. The individual ego then is overpowered by the social ego. Processions thus symbolize the gregarious nature of man.

Keep away from Evil Company

Points: Man must mix with others — Need for being careful — Man’s company may be either good or evil.

             There is a saying that man is known by the company he keeps. There is great truth in this saying. Man is a social animal. He cannot live or thrive alone. He has to mix with other people and make friends with some of them.
             We cannot always choose our neigh hours. So we may not be very selective about the people we should mix with. And is not easy to know beforehand who is good and who is bad. Still we should be careful about choosing our close friend. It is always good to keep evil company at arm’s length. After we know that somebody is dishonest, it will be foolish to keep company with him and still hope that corruption will not touch us.
             Keeping away physically may not always he possible. What is important is to keep away mentally. Good or evil operates in our mind. So it is the mental aptitude which decides everything. Every company does not always mean company of evil persons. It also flanks the company of hooks and films that corrupt us. We may not be extremely choosy, but we should be alert.