Points: What it means — Strike in industrial disputes and elsewhere — Strike In India.
‘Strike’ means cessation of work by workers or employees. It occurs when negotiations fail between the employer and the employees. When the employers stop production and close down the work, it is called lock-out. In a factory, the workers may demand an increase in pay or allowance. The authorities or owners may not agree to the demand. As a last resort, the workers often declare a strike. They down tools and bring the factory to a stand-still. If there is no work there will be no profit also. Sometimes a strike continues for months till a settlement is reached.
There are also strikes in banks, offices and even in schools and colleges. All strikes are not for wages or allowances. Some strikes are called to protest publicly against some wrongs. Sometimes general strikes are called when all offices, factories and transports remain practically suspended. Strike is an organized pressure. It should not be used on a flimsy ground.
In India strike is a very common occurrence. Every year good many workdays are lost owing to strikes. Sometimes the strikers become violent. Nobody supports such violence. We should try to create a condition so that there is neither strike nor Lockout. Let all disputes be settled In a spirit of cooperation for the good of the nation.
‘Strike’ means cessation of work by workers or employees. It occurs when negotiations fail between the employer and the employees. When the employers stop production and close down the work, it is called lock-out. In a factory, the workers may demand an increase in pay or allowance. The authorities or owners may not agree to the demand. As a last resort, the workers often declare a strike. They down tools and bring the factory to a stand-still. If there is no work there will be no profit also. Sometimes a strike continues for months till a settlement is reached.
There are also strikes in banks, offices and even in schools and colleges. All strikes are not for wages or allowances. Some strikes are called to protest publicly against some wrongs. Sometimes general strikes are called when all offices, factories and transports remain practically suspended. Strike is an organized pressure. It should not be used on a flimsy ground.
In India strike is a very common occurrence. Every year good many workdays are lost owing to strikes. Sometimes the strikers become violent. Nobody supports such violence. We should try to create a condition so that there is neither strike nor Lockout. Let all disputes be settled In a spirit of cooperation for the good of the nation.