Man and trees are inseparable. There is a long association between man and trees. Roth man and trees are dependent on each other and one cannot live without the other. Man exhales carbon die-oxide which trees inhale Trees give out Oxygen which man inhales. Trees maintain the eco-system.
Trees give us wood, fruits, shelter and what not. From wood we made furniture, doors and windows, ships and so many things. Such things are of great economic value. Trees give shelter to animals, prevent soil erosion, attract rains and add to the beauty of nature. But missives deforestation all over the world is now polluting the environment and making the earth unfit for living. It is also causing much economic loss.
Environmental pollution and economic losses have now alerted all the world. So massive programmes of Afforestation have been taken all over the world. Every year there is a day for tree plantation. Environmental pollution have become a thing of great concern in India today. So we have taken up programmes for tree plantation. Vano Mahotsava is now observed all over the country. Saplings are planted here and there beside the roads. People are urged to plant and protect trees. Our forests should also be preserved properly.