Sunday, 25 August 2013

My School or College Magazine

Points: The time of its publication — Some of its contents — Reaction among students.

             For the first time our institution came out with its magazine last October. It was just before the Puja holidays. I am proud that I was its first editor.
             Our magazine was interesting from cover to cover. When I took it home, there was a scramble over it. Everybody wanted to read it first. Father was to read it last over his cup of tea. He said it was a treat. I wrote rather sentimental story about a lost dog. It was my first writing to appear in print. Robin of class IX wrote about the Azad Hind Fauz that had fought for freedom under Netaji’s flag. As the editor, I also wrote notes on the various events during the year. I specially mentioned our achievements in the zonal football match. In fact, every student felt proud of our fine magazine.
             Some of the boys would not care to write ordinarily. But they felt tempted to write just to see their names in print. Some wrote stories for the first time. And they were not bad. Teachers praised their efforts. They even discovered new talents in some of them. As the editor I, of course, took some credit for the success of the magazine.

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