Saturday, 11 January 2020


          Tigers are large, fierce animals of the cat family. They are yellow skinned with black stripes. They live in the jungles of Asia. The tigers of the Sunderbans are called The Royal Bengal Tigers’. Not many of these animals are left today, as they have been shot and trapped by hunters for many years. They are now protected in some National Parks. Tigers help man in many ways. They kill pigs and deer that destroy crops. Not all of these creatures are man-eaters. Some old or wounded tigers cannot catch their prey and they turn man-eaters. Usually a tiger does not hunt men. For human habitation, mills and factories, jungles are being cleared. ‘So the tigers get killed or are driven away. But it is our duty to keep the wonderful species alive. A day may come when tigers may be seen only in game reserves or zoos.

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