Monday, 8 April 2019

The Ant and the Grasshopper

          In a sunny field an ant and a grasshopper lived close to each other. The ant worked hard all through the summer and filled her nest with food for the winter. But the grasshopper was jolly, but lazy. She kept singing ill the summer long.

The cold days of winter came. The grasshopper could not go out into the fields. So she had nothing to eat. She then went to the aunt’s house to borrow a little grain. “Kindly lend me a little grain,” he said to the ant. “if you don’t, I shall die of hunger.” 

“What were you doing in summer?“ asked the ant. “I worked hard to store my grains for the winter.”

“Oh,” said the grasshopper, “I was not then idle. I made music for the bees and sang.”

“Well, you have sung all the summer time,” said the ant, “now you may dance all the winter.”

The poor grasshopper came away with a heavy heart only to starve.

Moral: One should lay by something against the rainy day.

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