Monday, 22 January 2018

The Lion’s Shabb

          In a forest there lived a lion, a fox and a wolf. One day the lion said, “From to-day we are all intimate friends. We shall share our booty equally.” The fox and the wolf gladly agreed.

          One day, they managed to hunt an ass, a deer and a hare. The three hunters stood round the dead animals for the distribution of the booty.

          The lion said to the wolf, “Friend wolf, how are we to divide our booty?” “Very simple,” said the wolf. “You take the ass, let the fox take the hare and let me have nice-looking deer.”
The lion did not like this division. In anger he fell upon the poor wolf and killed him on the spot.

          The lion then turned to the fox and said, “Now, my dear fox, what do you suggest?” The fox trembled to see the fate of the wolf. He said very humbly, “0 Sir, the matter is very easy. Please take the ass for your morning meal, the deer for the evening meal and the hare for your tiffin.”

          “What a nice division!” cried out the lion, “Who taught you such wisdom and justice?” “Well, friend lion, I learned this justice from yonder dead wolf.” So saying the fox ran away never to come back.

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