Monday, 26 August 2013

Your Ambition in Life

              Different people have different ambitions in life. One wants to enter Parliament and make his mark as a Parliamentarian. Another wants to be elected as the President of the local Bar. And there is still another who wants to become an Ambassador and thus carry the message of his country to the farthest corner of the world. Every one of us has some ambition or other in his life. Life without ambition is a dull, soul-less affair.
              My ambition is a very humble one. I want to live and die as a social reformer. My country is steeped in ignorance, poverty and superstition. My countrymen are dwarfed by disease, famine and pestilence and life sunk in poverty. They have no pleasure in their lives. I shall give (hem education and teach them self-respect. I shall go from village to village and banish all darkness and ignorance front their midst. I shall try to better their social status and remove all superstitions from their midst. I shall teach them the laws of health, sanitation and hygiene and the value of corporate life. In this way I shall uplift them socially and intellectually and make their lives happy and cheerful.
              In order to realize this ambition in life, I shall embrace the profession of a “missionary’ and dedicate my life to Sarvodaya Samaj.
              My motto in life is service above self’. Let my whole life he spent in the service of suffering humanity. This is the noblest thing one can do in life and let me fulfill this noble mission in life
              I possess peace of mind and contentment, patience and fortitude and am inspired with love of service to humanity and a missionary zeal which will enable me to achieve the goal of my heart’s desire.

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