Polio is the abbreviated name of Poliomyelitis. It is an infantile malady, starting from the mother’s womb, it continues to make its victim suffer throughout his life. Its virulence is markedly manifested in children. It causes painful bone-deformities of a child that ails him till he dies. It is a scourge, a menace. The sure remedy of this disease is in the periodical oral administration of the medicine ‘Pulse Polio’ during the early years of a new born baby. This medicine creates immunization in the metabolic system of the baby killing the polio- bacteria attacking the process of forming bones and bone-marrow.
This immunization is imperatively essential for a baby for eradicating the chances of the disease’s onslaught in future. Hence, pulse polio is a must even for a healthy new-born to stop any possibility of this disease in future. It is very easy to administer. It is to be administered orally at intervals of certain period of time to be tied by the physician. According to the UNICEF reports, this disease is on the wane — thanks to the raised against this devil.
Success of this world-wide Immunization programme depends entirely on the conscious efforts of the public. The people must be made, through constant propaganda and continuous campaigning, aware of the dangerously lingering attack of this disease and it’s very easy remedy. The governments of the backward countries have come forward and now its total success depends on the cooperation of the public for their own good.
This immunization is imperatively essential for a baby for eradicating the chances of the disease’s onslaught in future. Hence, pulse polio is a must even for a healthy new-born to stop any possibility of this disease in future. It is very easy to administer. It is to be administered orally at intervals of certain period of time to be tied by the physician. According to the UNICEF reports, this disease is on the wane — thanks to the raised against this devil.
Success of this world-wide Immunization programme depends entirely on the conscious efforts of the public. The people must be made, through constant propaganda and continuous campaigning, aware of the dangerously lingering attack of this disease and it’s very easy remedy. The governments of the backward countries have come forward and now its total success depends on the cooperation of the public for their own good.