Sunday, 15 September 2013

The Village Scene at Night

Points: The scene at nightfall — The scene at midnight — A dreamy and strange atmosphere

             At sundown, the village I live in looks like a different village altogether. As if by magic the crowds of people vanish and all noises die down. The roads or mites become almost invisible. The trees form a mass of shadow. It is so dense at places that even a full moon cannot cope with it. 
             As the night deepens, fire-flies are seen floating in the air. The crickets chirp hidden in the grass. Some night-birds and bats scuttle across the treetops. A lone passer-by on the highroad is heard singing an old song. Dogs bark at a distance, now singly now in a chorus. The Chowkidar is out on his round. The village defence party is also out with its volunteers and torch lights. They challenge every stranger they come across on the road.
             The Great Bear or Saptarshi (seven stars) hangs pasted on the midnight sky like a big question mark. The village at night appears to be a cradle of fairytales and dreams. Each tree seems to be a living person, having a story to tell.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Dress and Food-habits of Bengali People

Points: The Bengalis a nationality dress on ordinary and on festive days — Their food on normal and special occasions.

             India is a vast country. It is almost like a continent. So is called the Indian subcontinent. India is one nation hut it comprises many nationalities. The Bengali people form one of the major nationalities of India. Like the Bengali language, the Bengali dress and food-habits also are peculiar to the Bengali people.
             The traditional Bengali dress is dhoti and panjabi for the men and sad for the women. An old man often wears dhoti and chadar. Sometimes he does not wear any upper garment at all. Nowadays the male working people are adopting trousers and shirts in place of dhoti and Panjabi, but the working men still prefer saris to skits. The Bengalis arc not used to any head dress like turban or topee. On festival or national days men revert to dhoti and punjabi and wear light chappals instead of shoes. In ceremonial meetings they often wear chadar over panjabi. The women, on special occasions like marriage, puja or birthday wear additional ornaments, specially gold and jewellery.
             As regards food, they relish rice and fish. A typical Bengali prefers parboiled rice to sun-dried rice. He likes fish very much, and is fond of various preparations of fish — like fish fry, fish soup, fish gravy, fish with mustard, fish sour or chatni. With hilsha fish is prepared dahi-ilish. The Bengali's are usually non-vegetarian. They are also fond of sweets and milk preparations such as rasagolla, sandesh and payas (milk pudding). Rice is their staple food. But they also take polao and luchis, instead of bread, on festival days.

Communication Through Satellites

Points: Communication iii the Space Age — Lie broadcasts of far-off events possible with the help of satellites — The satellites arc our platforms in the sly.

             We are now living in the Space Ag. The outer sky is already crowded with satellites launched by the different countries. They are called communication satellites because through them long-distance communications can he made. Many of them are being used for relaying radio-waves and receiving radio signals across the countries.
             Sports events in Los Angeles may be directly telecast over the TV network in India. Olympic Games and Asiad games may be viewed by spectators as if they were national or local events. What a thrill it was when the Indian viewers viewed our first man in space, Rakesh Sharma, in his space capsule. The very launching of the satellite was telecast live with the help of another communication satellite. Accurate weather forecasts are possible flow with the help of the idea-photographs sent by the satellites. But nothing matched the live pictures of the games from abroad in which India won world championship.
             The powerful television cameras fitted to the satellites are like mankind’s new pair of eyes in the outer sky. Through them we are communicating or trying to communicate with the strange, unknown world of the stars and constellations. The satellites are our platforms in sky or farthest roofs. Going over them we can see a vaster region we can communicate with much longer distances.

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Life is Action, Not Contemplation

Points: A person is known and assessed by his work — Character is formed by action — Contemplation also may be active like action.

             We Live in deeds not in years Man is judged by his output, not longevity. A good football player is one who has actually played many excellent games. A good debater is also a man who has won many trophies in debates.
             Merely wishing for something or dreaming of something great has no value in life. We must live up to our Ideas. Some of our thoughts have to be brought into practice. Just as a tree is known by its fruit, so a man by his action. Good intentions is not enough, good performance is also necessary. One may spend all the time in planning without doing anything at all. Such planning is useless.
             It is through work that our ideas become clearer. It is through work that we gain our character. It is through action that man achieves success and wins fame. There are some actions which are very much associated with contemplation, but not idle contemplation. When a writer writes a novel or a poet writes poetry, his work is not like the work of an engineer or a farmer. It is the product of contemplation. But here contemplation is productive and, therefore, active. It is also a kind of action.

Uses and Abuses of The Newspaper

Points: The role of a newspaper in a democracy — Press and censorship — Freedom does not mean license.

             There is no freedom where there is no freedom of the press. Free press and free country are almost synonymous. The press or newspaper has a big role to play a democracy. It organizes public opinion. In fact, it educates the public also. Newspapers supply us with news of all kinds everyday. Newspapers arc also views paper. They make public criticism on various matters. The editorials are essays on public events or issues. Some of these are local or national, some International.
             The newspapers cater to the tastes of the readers. News on sports, films, accidents and natural calamities are also displayed in the press. A newspaper brings the whole country closer by highlighting’ the national events everyday. In short, the newspaper is one of the most powerful mass media It Is called the fourth estate.
             But if the power of the press or its freedom is misused it can do a lot of harm. If it foments encourages communalism and fails to denounce anti-national or anti-Social forces, it only abuses its power. We want freedom of the press. But freedom should not mean license or responsibility. In a democracy there is no formal restriction to writing. Nobody will support censors of the press. But the journalists themselves should seek public opinion from time to time and guide themselves accordingly. No one is above law, and no one is above criticism — even the press. The press is free, hurt it is not free to weaken or destroy the freedom of the country.

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Population Explosion

Points: Population figures alarming in India — More population means greater poverty — Comparison between India and the advanced countries of the west.

              India is known to be over-populated. Next to China it is the most populate& country of the world. Its population has more than doubled within the last fifty years. This is very alarming. With more mouths to feed, our per capita income is bound to fall. This means greater poverty. Our production is increasing. But our population is increasing even more. If the growth of population is not checked, food shortage will occur and poverty will increase.
              People should be properly educated about this danger. Explosion or outburst of population will only mean more misery and more suffering. The poorer section of the people will suffer most. So they should be taught how to keep the size of a family smaller.
              In the advanced countries of the world, population growth is almost zero per cent annually. It is possible because most of the people there are educated and responsible. In India poor peasants and poor workers think that more children would mean more money earners. They care little for how to bring up the children properly. They do not care at all for their education. The result is, the poor family is burdened with more poverty, more hunger, more want, more dirtiness and more disease.

A Debating Society

Points: Debating, an art, needs practice — Value of speech in a democracy — Debating in schools.

              A school or a college has its debating society. All students are members of such a society. Debating is an art. It is a form of elocution. Without practice nobody can be a good speaker or orator. In ancient Greece, oratory was highly valued.
India is a democratic country. Indian people elect their representatives’ by votes. During the election, many public meetings are held. Good speakers make very good impressions upon the voters. In the Parliament, only good speakers can be good speakers can be good parliamentarians.
              A school or college debating society helps a student to acquire the power of speech. Debating competitions are held among different schools and colleges every year. Sometimes all-India debating competitions are organized. Ready wit, presence of mind, sound general knowledge and a sense of humor make a good debater. All these can he developed through a debating society.
              School debates teach discipline. Every debater has to conform to rules. He has to maintain the time limit very strictly. The mover of the motion is like the opening batsman. He introduces the subject of the debate in the form of a motion or resolution as in the Assembly. He appeals to the audience to support his motion. The leader of the opposition these come up. He tries to point out the hollowness of the motion. After all the speakers have addressed, the mover of the motion gets his light to reply. After his reply, the motion is put to vole.  A competition debate takes the form of a debate in the Assembly or Parliament. It is often called a mock Parliament.