Points: Debating, an art, needs practice — Value of speech in a democracy — Debating in schools.
A school or a college has its debating society. All students are members of such a society. Debating is an art. It is a form of elocution. Without practice nobody can be a good speaker or orator. In ancient Greece, oratory was highly valued.
India is a democratic country. Indian people elect their representatives’ by votes. During the election, many public meetings are held. Good speakers make very good impressions upon the voters. In the Parliament, only good speakers can be good speakers can be good parliamentarians.
A school or college debating society helps a student to acquire the power of speech. Debating competitions are held among different schools and colleges every year. Sometimes all-India debating competitions are organized. Ready wit, presence of mind, sound general knowledge and a sense of humor make a good debater. All these can he developed through a debating society.
School debates teach discipline. Every debater has to conform to rules. He has to maintain the time limit very strictly. The mover of the motion is like the opening batsman. He introduces the subject of the debate in the form of a motion or resolution as in the Assembly. He appeals to the audience to support his motion. The leader of the opposition these come up. He tries to point out the hollowness of the motion. After all the speakers have addressed, the mover of the motion gets his light to reply. After his reply, the motion is put to vole. A competition debate takes the form of a debate in the Assembly or Parliament. It is often called a mock Parliament.
A school or a college has its debating society. All students are members of such a society. Debating is an art. It is a form of elocution. Without practice nobody can be a good speaker or orator. In ancient Greece, oratory was highly valued.
India is a democratic country. Indian people elect their representatives’ by votes. During the election, many public meetings are held. Good speakers make very good impressions upon the voters. In the Parliament, only good speakers can be good speakers can be good parliamentarians.
A school or college debating society helps a student to acquire the power of speech. Debating competitions are held among different schools and colleges every year. Sometimes all-India debating competitions are organized. Ready wit, presence of mind, sound general knowledge and a sense of humor make a good debater. All these can he developed through a debating society.
School debates teach discipline. Every debater has to conform to rules. He has to maintain the time limit very strictly. The mover of the motion is like the opening batsman. He introduces the subject of the debate in the form of a motion or resolution as in the Assembly. He appeals to the audience to support his motion. The leader of the opposition these come up. He tries to point out the hollowness of the motion. After all the speakers have addressed, the mover of the motion gets his light to reply. After his reply, the motion is put to vole. A competition debate takes the form of a debate in the Assembly or Parliament. It is often called a mock Parliament.