India, a multi-religious, multi-lingual and multi-racial country, has always enjoyed the essential unity of cultured amidst diversity that has kept her people united. Great religious and social leaders have; by their preaching from time immemorial, enabled the masses of India to imbibe the spirit of brotherhood. But of late, narrow religious and regional feelings plague the country. Divisive forces are rampant in the Punjab, in the North East, region and in few other parts of the country. This is highly detrimental to the existence of India as a nation. This problem of dissension and disintegration can only be solved by subduing the regional and parochial feelings. Forces of disruption are fed by poverty, lack of education, economic distress and by the indiscriminate partiality of the Centre. To eradicate this, there is the need of alleviating economic distress of the people, but greater is the need of spreading education. Emotional integration of the country as of the highest importance. A genuine sense of oneness of India and a feeling of kinship between one Indian and another should be instilled, in the hearts of the people. This line of action should be started immediately so that the future generation can be taught in this line. Our smaller loyalty is to our states, to our languages, to our religion, doubt, — but our larger and inviolable loyalty is to our entire country— this should be the maxim of all Indians.