Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Abolition of English from Primary Education

Points: Recent controversy — Importance utility of English remains — Practical considerations should prevail over theories.

            For many years English is being taught in India. But recently there was a government circular that English was to be abolished from the Primary stage in West Bengal. Naturally there was a long controversy over the issue.
            Why such a circular was necessary just now is not clear. English was retained because it certainly had its utility. Its utility still remains.That is why outside Primary schools many Spoken English Schools and institutions have sprung up. When English will cease to have any utility, it will automatically wither away. But just now we see that demand for English has increased rather than decreased. So the thought of abolition of English from any stage should be suspended now. The option should be there. If anybody chooses to learn English be should be allowed even at the primary stage. Theoretical debates should not override practical considerations.
            Something may sound excellent in theory but may not be so in practice. All theories about child education are such things. Monolingualism may be ideal. But in a country like India bilingualism, even multilingualism, cannot be helped. Moreover, the importance or utility of English is so great in the world today that its abolition directly or indirectly will be unfortunate.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Late Running of Trains

Points: Late running of trains a nuisance — Time-table to be followed strictly — Causes of late running should be rectified.

            Late running of trains is a nuisance. If anywhere punctuality is essential, it is in the railways. All trains should depart and arrive on right times, otherwise the time-table will be a mockery. Late running of trains means late arrivals. Suppose a train which was to arrive in the evening arrives at midnight. The harassment of the passengers can be easily imagined.
            The time-table should be fixed after trial runs. Sufficient allowance should be given for possible delay or slowness. But once a timetable is finalized, the trains must maintain the timing. Strict discipline has to be imposed in this matter. If late running of trains be tolerated we will allow all kinds of slackness in other fields also.
            The causes of the late running of trains should be ascertained. In many suburban sections there are no double lines. As a result, an up train has to be detained for ‘crossing’ till a down train arrives there. The trains carrying commuters to office get priority over other trains. Then the vacuum chain is pulled very often on flimsy grounds. This halts a train and causes delay. Failure of electricity, defective signals and other mechanical faults are also responsible for late running of rains. These should be looked into carefully and remedied.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

A Street-corner Meeting

Points: A common sight — Held for different purposes — Description of an interesting street-corner meeting.

             Street-Corner meetings are held very often. They are held on various issues. Usually small groups of people organize such meetings. A person is seen standing on a soap-box and making speeches. Most often there is no microphone the speaker has to shout’ at the top of his voice. He collects a small crowd around him. Persons come and go, but the crowd remains.
             Street-corner meetings may be for political agitation or for ventilating certain public grievances. Sometimes people sell cheap things by organizing street corner-meetings. They are usually held in the evening and near crossroads.
             I once witnessed a very interesting street-corner meeting. A number of young men and women gathered at the crossing of Mahatma Gandhi Road and Bidhan Sarani. The place was not far from Calcutta University and the Coffee House. They were carrying a placard containing a slogan ‘Read More Poetry.’ Soon after the meeting started, a young looking poet made a short speech. He said by ‘poetry’ one should mean only ‘modern poetry.’ All other poetry, he said, was trash. The poet-speaker recited poems after poems from Jibanananda Das. I had never witnessed such a literary street-corner meeting before. ‘Read More Poetry’ sounded to me very much Like ‘Grow More Food.’

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Suggestions for Improving the Radio or TV Progremme

  Points: Programmes should be more imaginative — News bulletins and interviews — Some innovations to be included.

             Radio or Television is an essential part of modern life. It both entertains and educates us. But if it programmes lack voracity or imagination, they may be boring.
             So far as news bulletins are concerned, they should he direct and clear. Long and complex sentences should be avoided. A newspaper story may be elaborate, for we can read a sentence twice. But what we listen over the radio or TV we listen only once. So everything is not suitable for a radio or TV programme. Long talks, thus, are not suitable. Interviews and cultural features are good. But radio programme should be very lengthy. There should be more rural and youth programmes. Live broadcasts or telecasts from country fairs will he appreciated.
             Many innovations may be suggested. We are now living in a Space Age. Direct communications between the satellites, and the earth should be included in regular radio or TV programmes. Every week there should be a Library Hour. This should be devoted entirely to our past, to our celebrated men and their works in various fields of life. Here we can hear the recorded voice of famous men, recitals by poets and artistes, famous speeches from history and so on. The last two minutes of each hour may be kept reserved for important news in brief. The art of storytelling, specially telling of fairytales, is dying out. Expert storytelling mothers or grandmothers should be engaged in children’s programme for this purpose.